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On 4 Jul 2018, at 12:18, Viacheslav Usov <> wrote:

On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 12:02 PM Etiene Dalcol <> wrote:
> My take on this is: this is not really necessary, just use luacheck.

I agree with this. The easiest eay to solve this immediately is simply to add a linter to your text editor or run luacheck from the cmd line

This is wishful thinking. Grapple with the fact that various forms of restricting "implicit global" have existed for over a decade, yet they are not deemed sufficient.

Hmmm, claiming someone is “wishfully thinking" (defined as per your later post, as liked, imagined but without evidence), and then stating “they are not deemed sufficient”, which lacks evidence, is a slightly odd way of reasoning imo.

And it is extra controversial imo since you're arguing against a post from someone claiming they actually were sufficient.


I for one mostly use the ZBS linter, and LuaCheck in CI. Covers my cases very well. Additionally I like the ability to use Lua as a data description language for config files and the likes.
