> They did not clearly state "the status quo is bad" and explained how they cope with the difficulty.
I do not think this is enough to count them in group 0. Especially if you invoke the notion of "the classical liberal one of keeping an open mind"; an "open mind" mistrusts any status quo just about by definition.
> If that makes you a 0: welcome to the club!
Nope, you cannot disregard me as a 0. I definitely do think that "the status quo is bad".
> Axel has replied while I am typing.
Not that he is undecided.
> then admitted to not being a very regular user of "strict".
... "and suffer the consequences", he said, having said previously "I would prefer to see a keyword at the top of a file such as "$LOCAL_DEFAULT" and then have to type 'global' to alter the scope".
> I was willing to leave that as "undecided".
Very interesting.