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On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 11:44 AM, Albert Chan <> wrote:
>> On May 10, 2018, at 11:29 AM, KHMan <> wrote:
>>> "Code Complete" recommend AGAINST end comment
>>> -- Albert
>> Sure, it's a useful guideline. But let's not zip ourselves into a book-learning straitjacket.
>> I used a Bruce Lee quote on this kind of discussion once, let me try it from a related angle. :-) In Chinese kungfu stories/movies/series, what plot device does one often see? The loyal disciple who diligently learns the forms but is rigid gets beaten up. Who wins the day? The one who internalizes the forms, then go formless...
> Guideline(s) are needed because you might re-read the
> code months later. DO NOT go  "Bruce Lee" on the code.
> And, PLEASE, do not go "formless" !
> :-)

You, the programmer, are formless. The code has form, and you mold
yourself to fit what it needs.

/s/ Adam