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2018-04-23 21:40 GMT+02:00 Sean Conner <>:

>   Oh, I know:
>         LET x BECOME x + 1
>   There!  That's better!
>   -spc (Do I need to add the <sarcasm> tag here?)

No, this whole thread is like the tired jokes that people tell and
retell to kill time.

Allow me to hijack it.

I grew up as a programmer in a time when there were only three
languages: FORTRAN, COBOL and Assembler. (There was theoretically
Algol which you occasionally saw printed but nobody except professors
had a compiler for it, and that compiler would only run on the
departmental computer.) I did a lot of stuff in Assembler, including a
program that would play Schubert's Military March on a portable radio.
I had a colleague by the name of Andrzej Dąbrowski who knew the timing
of all the CPU instructions by heart and took delight in chipping
microseconds off the running time of inner loops.

We wrote everything in capitals and our arrays started at index 1.

Ah, those were the days ...