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On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 11:45 PM, Russell Haley <> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 4:26 AM, Glenn Travis <> wrote:
>> You are so right about not knowing the OS/toolset very well, and I figure
>> that; x86_64-apple-darwin17 has a lot to do with it. I do not know why, but
>> Darwin seems to be a collections of all sorts of unix like things; perhaps
>> to get the macOS/ OS X GUI to work the way that they wanted it to.
> Hi Glen,
> All Unixes and unix-like systems are a little different because they
> *are* a collection of little tools. OSX has it's underpinnings from
> different sources than Linux due to licensing and Steve Jobs being,
> well, Steve Jobs. Anyway, what you'll find is in some cases it's much
> closer to BSD than GNU tools used in GNU/Linux (every "Linux" except
> Android). I know that doesn't make a hill of beans difference to you
> right now but make no mistake: OSX is certified UNIX. GNU/Linux is
> not. OSX adheres to standards that "Linux" does not.
> At this
>> point, it seems to me that going the install via the terminal, Apple users
>> have to use  sudo make install to things working properly.
> I'd like to point out that sudo is no different than having to type in
> your password before you install something from the app store or buy
> something with your paypal account. It is a means to prove credentials
> and elevate privilege in Unix.
> I'm not sure if this has been suggested, but you Lua can be run from
> within the src directory where it was built or be put pretty much
> *anywhere* that you have access. If you don't want to bother
> installing it system wide (which requires sudo!), then alter the
> makefile (that installs Lua) to point to your local home directory and
> install it there (~/bin perhaps?). Then you add that path to your
> shell initialization and it's always available to YOU but it's not
> available to anyone else. On a Mac Laptop or PC, that isn't really an
> issue I suspect. I'm sure if you ask, someone on the list can help out
> with the commands if you figure out what shell your using. Dirk can
> provide a link to that I think? (Also another joke, just Google it).
> To be honest
>> however, I can’t remember if I ever tried using the lua binaries route but
>> perhaps that would explain how I ended up with version 5.1. I have the 3rd
>> edition of Programming in Lua  in which I am finding that 5.3 appears to be
>> very different that 5.2 which is discussed in 3rd edition.  Seeing as how
>> the book is often over my head (I believe that the book description uses the
>> word “programmer” which to me means experienced), I am having a debate with
>> myself regarding spending money on the 4th edition.  The only programming
>> experience that I have is in BASIC back in the mid 70s and that was on a HP
>> 9830.
> It seems to me you are experiencing the same response that 99% of us
> do when faced with a new challenge. I've been using computers
> literally my whole life and I still *seethe* when doing something new.
> I want to throw my computer (I know, I need help) because they are
> so... impossibly... complicated!  Keep persisting. It pays off.

For reference:

Tee hee
> Some advice since you didn't ask:
> - PIL 4 is a fantastic book. If you know what a loop and a variable
> is, start at Page 1 and follow the examples. Otherwise, learn what a
> loop and a variable is and then start at page 1. ;)
> - Read some Unix history and start at the basics by learning to follow
> man pages (short for Manual because people in Unix hate typing. tee
> hee, that's a joke.). Man pages are also something that is *totally
> infuriating* until you "get it" and then it's good. I find them
> easiest to read online, but have never looked for OSX man pages (I
> mostly use FreeBSD).
> - KEEP NOTES. Write down all your commands and come back to it and
> update it. Those notes will become invaluable and if you persist will
> likely turn into "shell scripts".
> - Follow KHMan's advice (pretty much the same as keep notes). Start a
> temp directory (mkdir ~/temp/) and dump your work in there until it's
> worth keeping. As for GUIs, ZeroBrane is a fantastic way to learn Lua.
> There are a TON of great examples. Geany and Scite are both good free
> GUI editors that support Lua syntax highlighting but don't support a
> Lua debugger out of the box.
> Hope that helps. :)
> Cheers,
> Russ
>> On Feb 23, 2018, at 11:49 AM, Francisco Olarte <>
>> wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 6:16 PM, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
>> <> wrote:
>> The README in the tarball and in says:
>> Installing Lua
>> Once you have built Lua, you may want to install it in an official
>> place in your system. In this case, do "make install". The official
>> place and the way to install files are defined in the Makefile. You'll
>> probably need the right permissions to install files.
>> Perhaps this should mention sudo?
>> Given the previous section mentions unix-like and linux it may be
>> useful, and maybe a mentioning mac os-x is unix like too ( I do not
>> think linux users compiling will have problems, but mac users seem to
>> be more like windows one, they do not know they OS/toolset too well ).
>> Francisco Olarte.