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Daurnimator <> wrote:

> On 26 November 2017 at 16:39, Paige DePol <> wrote:
>> Maybe I'll create my own MIT-style license, and add one extra clause:
>> Don't use the source code to be evil!
> Douglas crockford did something similar for his software (which includes JSON)
> But that makes it incompatible with other licenses.
> Among others, this got some IBM lawyers annoyed, who now have
> permission to use the code for evil.

I find it hilarious that someone actually did that... I mean, I was joking
and would never actually add that to my license.

Interestingly, if he changed the license to say:

The Software /should/ be used for Good, not Evil.

then all licensing issues would be moot as it would be a suggestion and
not a requirement of the license. However, he seems pretty adamant about
not changing the license, even though it is causing a number of issues
with people wanting to use his software.

Thanks for pointing out this amusing license clause!
