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2017-06-12 9:36 GMT+02:00 steve donovan <>:
> On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 1:00 AM, Russell Haley <> wrote:
>> I'd like to find a way to generate the ldoc function headers from the file automagically so I could fill in the details afterwards.
> It would be useful, though at least having a regular comment in front
> of the functions would go a long way. The minimal translation would
> just replace '--' with '---'  - just @-free doc comments.

This is more or less as much as ihelp [1] recognizes.

---    The docstring of a function
-- A comment block from the Lua code of a function, formatted in LDoc
-- style, like this block. The comments may come immediately before the
-- first line of the function or anywhere inside it.  All comments must
-- start at position 1 of their lines and the first comment must start
-- with at least three hyphens. For a very short function, the whole
-- code is used as the docstring.
-- Not available for functions defined from the terminal while running
-- the standalone Lua interpreter.

[1] or `luarocks install ihelp`.