Okay, I had some progress. I think. I've run out of time but I have
created two VS projects. One for a dll and one for the lua.exe. The
DLL compiles but I am getting complaints from the exe project:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol lua_close referenced in
function main PUC-Lua N:\Code\lua-5.3.4\Visual Studio\PUC-Lua\lua.obj
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol lua_gettop referenced in
function docall PUC-Lua N:\Code\lua-5.3.4\Visual
Studio\PUC-Lua\lua.obj 1
and so forth. I don't have time to do a proper clean up so I stuffed a
zip file with everything here:
Someone might be able to compile it in VS 2015 if you change the target SDK?
Either way, thanks for all the great help!
Oh, and Mr. Laurie is right. This would have all worked if I just
added the libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll file to the installer with joedfs builds.
lolz. Thankfully I've saved that code...
Shot in the dark before I go to bed: your lua.exe project file only lists lua.h and lua.hpp as headers. You may need to manually add the other standard headers (luaconf.h, lualib.h, and lauxlib.h) to the project to get VS to recognize them.
(Also, lua.hpp is only needed if you're compiling as C++ rather than C, so you can delete it from the project.)