Hello, derived from an existing library) found on github.com/arcapos/luajson. https://github.com/mpx/lua-cjson I have no idea, I never compared them. I don't think dealing with JSON data is very CPU intensive, in any case. If it's not CPU-intensive, why implementing it in C ? if it is, better make it fast :-) For large JSON files, I observed orders of magnitude differences between pure Lua and C-based implementations. And hence I'm often scouting around to see if a new library can speed up the processing pipeline. best,
derived from an existing library) found on github.com/arcapos/luajson. https://github.com/mpx/lua-cjson I have no idea, I never compared them. I don't think dealing with JSON data is very CPU intensive, in any case.
derived from an existing library) found on github.com/arcapos/luajson. https://github.com/mpx/lua-cjson
derived from an existing library) found on github.com/arcapos/luajson.