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OK, I wrote draft of simple manual on the subject of this thread as far as I understand it.
If someone of you would be so kind to review it I would be glad.


> ** Tue, 26 Jul 2016 12:32:50 -0400 - "Lua mailing list" <> **
> It was thus said that the Great Pavel Drotar once stated:
>  ...
> First off, you are sending HTML-only replies.  Not all of us can deal with
> this (I can't, at least, not easily).  

sorry I can't change it in this email client.

>   Secondly (and I did read your reply), you are right, ULua does not contain
> luasec, but only because Windows Is Not Unix and thus, doesn't come with
> OpenSSL (and OS-X is problematic because it doesn't like OpenSSL).
>   -spc