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2016-07-26 9:20 GMT+08:00 Hisham <>:
> Given that the version numbers above include LuaRocks revision
> numbers, it's fair to assume that these were built thanks to their
> rockspecs. :-D So that being the case, would you consider including
> LuaRocks itself in the package, making life easy for users who would
> like to use it to fetch other pure-Lua modules?
> Cheers!
> -- Hisham

Hi dear Hisham,

I love Lua language, and now my hobby is writing Lua C module for fun.
But I found luarocks is far more difficult to maintain all my modules.

I have several modules, but maintain them are very difficult. After
make changes, I had to:
  - test on many platform
  - assign a new version (and a new version to rockspec itself)
  - update my rockspecs
  - commit it to github
  - make a release
  - write release note
  - make a source rock
  - login in, and upload this rock (I still can not find
out how to use upload command of luarocks)

I know, I know, npm is a company, and luarocks is freeware, no one pay
for you for it. I know mostly is I don't know how to use luarocks,
it's not luarocks' fault. But it really makes me unhappy! I even
doesn't have once success when type "luarocks install luarocks". I use
my own layout of Lua (build it myself to support both MinGW and MSVC),
so everytime I upgrade luarocks (yes, by hand), I will carefully
manually edit config.lua to make luarocks happy. I just hope when I
want to make some changes to my module, I only need commit to github,
and give it a tag, and users can happily use luarocks update
<rockname> to get lastest result. I hope I (and users) could get
binary modules directly, static linked with libcmt.lib, optimized well
and lies comfortably in my own Lua installations, no need fight with
the terrible build environment on Windows. I hope everything could
easy as npm or cpan or pacman or even brew. But currently luarocks
really makes me feel bad.

But I still love luarocks, it's the only package manager of Lua
language. Lua is so perfect, but have not huge modules like Python. I
hope someday I could use Lua to make everything I make in Python
before. Because write Lua is SO FREEDOM! I only hope it could be
better. it may have a cache system, needn't download rocks times and
times when build failure (and I manually use "download" command to
solve it). it may split build system and other misc things into
standalone rocks, to build a rocks, just a little script(just like
brew) requiring some standard rocks module, it will done
automatically. it may support github or bitbucket or whatever directly
and needn't require a "url" entry in rockspecs file. it may
download(and upload) binary modules by default, and author could
easily upload them own. it support local deps repo and global repo as
well (just like package.json and node_modules directory things of
npm). I hope use luarocks makes me happy, makes life easy, and makes
more and more people start to use Lua to solve daily task.

Still thanks for write this great software for Lua. I know it becoming
better and better now. I just hope it could be the best.

Sorry for my noise.

Xavier Wang.