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> > If by "nuisance" you
> > mean expensive, we only call it for partitions larger than 100, so
> > it seems their cost is quite diluted in the sort work.
> Are you sure? The first thing I thought when I saw this thread was
> "what!? table.sort now invokes system calls!?"
> In a quick test here, where I looped a million times sorting tables
> with 200 elements, the overall test in the new version took 50s and it
> spent 0.45s in kernel time (whereas in previous Lua versions, of
> course, 0s are spent in kernel time for the same test). The constant
> back-and-forth between userspace and kernel can be seen running that
> test via strace.

You are saying it spent 1% of its time in the kernel. Is this not "quite

-- Roberto