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On 04/16/2015 12:58 PM, Dirk Laurie wrote:
2015-04-16 12:47 GMT+02:00 Nagaev Boris <>:

Someone said "JavaScript is the language of browser and everybody
has a browser, so JavaScript is the only language which everybody can
interpret, that is why it beats Lua, Ruby, Python and other scripting
languages". I don't know how to challenge the argument.
You could point out its isomorphism to "English is the language of
movies and everybody watches movies, so English is the only
language which everybody can understand, that is why it beats
German, French, Italian and other languages." A similar argument
did not save Latin from being barbarized.

You are hopefully aware that movies are actually translated into German, Italian and French. Most people watch them in their own native language. Coming back to the computer languages that happens as well, just in the other direction. Every language seems to be
translated into JavaScript these days.