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On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 5:20 PM, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
<> wrote:
>> If I'm understanding the manual correctly, lua_tolstring() doesn't
>> honour __tostring. Similarly lua_tonumberx() doesn't call __tonumber
>> (if such a metamethod even exists?). The manual also doesn't appear to
>> specify whether lua_call() will look at __call.
> All core metamethods are honored in the Lua API, except for those
> functions that are named *raw*. Both the API functions and the VM
> instructions ultimately use the same code. The core metamethods
> are listed in .
> __tostring is not a core metamethod, nor are __pairs and __ipairs.
> So, lua_tolstring does not honor __tostring. luaL_tolstring does.

Interesting. Why is __tostring not a core metamethod? The distinction
seems arbitrary to me.

As an aside, I notice the changes section in the 5.3 manual doesn't
list functions that were newly added, such as lua_geti. I think
listing new functions would be very helpful to keep people like me
from requesting things without noticing they were already added. :-)

Sent from my Game Boy.