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It was thus said that the Great Andrew Starks once stated:
> [1] For me, there are a couple of things I'd like to try: some kind of
> ability to adorn structured objects with type information being the
> one that pops to my mind. I've done that already and I like it. Once I
> go all of the way with the idea, I'll see if it's useful or not. So
> far, given the handful of experiments that I've tried, only two have
> survived:
> "Hello, %s!"  % {"world"}
> --and
> local my_table ={}, "foo_type")
> print(type.tostring(my_table), type(my_table, "foo_type"))
> --> "foo_type", true
> The rest of my "holy crap wouldn't it be awesome if..." ideas are in
> the garbage dump. Be glad nobody listened to me, either. :)

  I, for one, would like to know what you proposed, tried out, rejected and
why it was rejected.  Yes, it was a failure, but if you document it, then
others can learn why that "cool idea" might not have been such a "cool

  -spc (Please?)