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On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 12:52 PM, Coroutines <> wrote:
> I think you're right to fear feature cancer, but I think you sometimes
> refuse to consider anything that reminds you of something
> not-already-Lua.

It has become a reflex, but in a minimalist language, the bar for new
features is pretty high.  (We were even talking about _taking away_
functionality a while back, shock horror).  We need features that open
up new ways of doing things and help solve big issues, not
re-arranging lexical furniture.

> Instead of:  if a and a.b and a.b.c then ... end
> We'd have: if a?b?c then ... end

I could go with that.  It's an example of a pattern from other
languages which would be generally convenient to have around.