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On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Philipp Janda <> wrote:
> Am 27.02.2014 13:33 schröbte Wouter Scherphof:
> If you want to reimplement the GoF patterns in Lua you probably need most of
> the OO features that C++ provides. I don't know how reasonable that is.

I think their original background was Smalltalk, which is a very
dynamic language.  There is this common idea that 'patterns compensate
for language limitations' but this seems unnecessarily harsh.  They
are a way of looking at components of a *design* at a higher-level.
It's a lot easier to do these things in Lua, but they are still useful
tools for thinking.

Would be interesting doing a wiki page and systematically going
through the patterns:

A quick look indicates that only a few are specific to classic
statically-typed languages.

steve d.