On 01/31/2014 03:14 PM, Andrew Starks wrote:
This looks really awesome. I was thinking along similar lines as this, except with a focus on bsd sockets as the interface for organizing message passing, etc. I like the structure of this, though. We need inter-(os) thread communication, so we're playing with nanomsg. It'd be interesting to see how this would interact with message passing between concurrent threads. It seems like it could work well...
Lumen has a signal proxy, so you can wait for signals on a remote instance [1]. Signals are passed trough a TCP socket, serialized with either bencode or json. It worked for what I wanted at the moment [2], but have plans for supporting also UDP, as it makes sense in some case uses (including the referenced example :) ). For now it depends on either luasocket or nixio for socket support, and I have a half-baked ljsycall backend.
Nanomsg would'be a great candidate for transport tough, that's true. Jorge [1] http://xopxe.github.io/Lumen/modules/proxy.html[2] https://github.com/xopxe/Toribio/blob/master/docs/1-Tutorial.md#remote-control-using-a-proxy