Am 11.01.2014 12:19 schröbte Ulrich Schmidt:
I did not work with cmake before so i cant say anything pro or against cmake. What i kept in mind, preferring lake, is the fact, that lake can use BOTH toolchains, gcc and msvc.
I dont have cmake when i only use MSSDK for instance.
You typically don't have lake either. The question is: do you install a binary copy of lake, or a binary copy of cmake.
The second fact is that lakefiles can use lua to modify c sources to #define something or to preload c modules. (like luabuild shows).
True, cmake uses its own (horrible) scripting language instead of Lua, but I think luadist has already implemented some of your required feature set. Maybe Peter Drahos can shed some light ...
Am 11.01.2014 12:07, schrieb Philipp Janda:What about luadist? I appreciate that a simple batch file has a very small set of prerequisites, but if you want something full-featured installing cmake shouldn't be an unreasonable requirement (plus luadist certainly could use some more guys with cmake-knowledge). Philipp