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The Lua 5.1 source distribution had a file `etc\luavs.bat` that could be used to build Lua with the Visual Studio command shell on Windows. I noticed it is no longer present in the 5.2 distribution.


Is there a replacement somewhere? I did create one myself (modified the 5.1 version, attached) but it gives me a warning;


> lgc.c(988) : warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned


(this is using the /x86 /win7 environment settings, on an x64 installation)




@rem Script to build Lua under "Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt".
@rem Do not run from this directory; run it from the toplevel: etc\luavs.bat .
@rem It creates lua52.dll, lua52.lib, lua.exe, and luac.exe in src.
@rem (contributed by David Manura and Mike Pall)

@set MYLINK=link /nologo
@set MYMT=mt /nologo

cd src
del lua.obj luac.obj
%MYLINK% /DLL /out:lua52.dll l*.obj
if exist lua52.dll.manifest^
  %MYMT% -manifest lua52.dll.manifest -outputresource:lua52.dll;2
%MYLINK% /out:lua.exe lua.obj lua52.lib
if exist lua.exe.manifest^
  %MYMT% -manifest lua.exe.manifest -outputresource:lua.exe
del lua.obj linit.obj lbaselib.obj ldblib.obj liolib.obj lmathlib.obj^
    loslib.obj ltablib.obj lstrlib.obj loadlib.obj
%MYLINK% /out:luac.exe *.obj
if exist luac.exe.manifest^
  %MYMT% -manifest luac.exe.manifest -outputresource:luac.exe
del *.obj *.manifest
cd ..