What we need is a complete build environment for windows that works out
of the box. Thats not trivial. Some people want to use gcc, some others
different MS-compilers (VC2008, VC2010, MSSDK).
I was thinking about using lake but i failed because i did not figured
out the philosophy behind lake and not how to start reading the
documentation. I miss a "lake for idiots" document ;)
Creating such a build environment should be a teamwork and this build
environment should solve a minimum set of tasks:
- define a directory structure all sources can be stored in.
lua51, lua52, luajit, module sources
optional wxlua, srlua, other exe-builder,
- it should devie a widly accepted directory structure for the
resulting program and module files, so all the different can coexist
in this directory tree.
- it should be able to compile static and dynamic lua librarys
- it should be able to compile sprecial versions of those librarys with
precompiled c-modules compiled in. (usefull for self containig
- works with gcc and different versions of ms compilers.
- optional: build 64bit Versions of all programs and modules (not
I did this already particular for my own needs, but there are many
things to keep in mind:
- you need to modify package.path and package.cpath different than the
- you need to modify the module sources (build amalgams for instance)
- you need to copy the module documentation into the install tree.
- and much much more ...
To reach this goal there need to be some support from lua- and
luajit-guys too.
I assume, without those capabilities this build environment would mot
become widely accepted.
A simple batch file to compile lua is possible as i have shown but it is
limited. As soon you start really using lua for own projects, you need
to know your compiler and you need to learn. I tried many compilers by
myself (PellesC, tcc, gcc, msvc). Only two solved my tests, gcc and msvc.
I would like to see a team to crate such a build environment for window.
May be a good starting point is luabuild by Steve Donovan.