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On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 12:45 PM, William Ahern
<> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 05, 2014 at 03:12:24PM -0500, phlnc8 wrote:
>> Let's bring some rationality here :-)
>> 3-space indent is nice with 'if' statements because the condition is
>> nicely aligned with the first statement after 'then'.
> Indentation and alignment are two separate issues. We can _all_ agree that
> blocks should be indented, just not what the width should be. Use tabs and
> _every_ can be made happy by setting their tab stop.
> If you prefer a particular alignment when wrapping statements, expressions,
> and comments, then align them--using spaces. It's far easier for people to
> deal with quirky alignments then it is to deal with quirky and annoying
> indentation. And because alignments can be very complex--with invariably
> corner cases that require you to violate your own rules--editors do a
> horrible job of reflowing alignments of complex statements, so better to
> just disable that feature (please!).
> If you use tabs for indentation and spaces for alignment, then when people
> change their tab stop your alignment will still magically work.

Unless you're writing Python code.

/s/ Adam