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> In a computer, "your notes" and "memory" are the same thing. To consult
> your notes means to access the memory and read what is there.

In Michie's original application (machine chess) "memoize" was a fairly
precise technical term. You had a function that would take as input a
chess position and produce as output its value. This value was defined
by a static evaluation function for positions at the terminals of the search
tree and by a minimax value for positions reachable earlier. The same chess
positions can often be reached in many different ways, and full tree search
is expensive, so as soon as a position was fully evaluated, its value
would be stored in an associative table.

Michie decided to coin a new word for this procedure, maybe
because he thought it was quite a neat little idea. Using "memoize"
in a somewhat similar situation is a way of tipping one's hat to
the inventor.