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At p.147, section 14.5, 3rd paragraph:

"We can load it *whit* the following code:"

the emphasized word should be "with".


A possible typo is at p.135, last paragraph before "Tracking table
accesses" subsection.

"Another alternative is to *memorize* metatables in order to reuse the
same metatable for tables with the same default. However, that needs
weak tables too, so that again we will have to wait until Chapter 17."

Since "memorize" is printed in italics and there is a reference to Ch.17
where *memoization* is explained, I guess "memorize" could have been
meant to be "memoize".

Moreover at page 177, section 17.2 title is correctly using the
"memoize" technical term [1]. However in the following text there are
many "memoriz???" words in italics [2], which seem to have been meant as
"memoiz???". Was this a deliberate choice or the proofreader
(human/automatic) has been too zelant and didn't recognize a technical
term? A search for "memoiz" only finds the term "memoize" three times
(in the TOC, in the mentioned section title and in the header of p.177).


P.S.: again, compliments to Roberto! Reading is a breeze. I look forward
to reaching the C API chapters :-)

-- Lorenzo

[1] For those not knowing what I'm talking about see the page on
[memoization]( on Wikipedia,
especially the etymology section.

[2] If my guess is right and the terms should be corrected, the complete
list of errata is the following:

p.177, sec. 17.2, 1st par.:
"You can speed up a function by *memorizing* its results so that [...]"

2nd par.:
"[...]the server can *memorize* the results from load using an auxiliary

p.178, 4th par.:
"The *memorize* technique is useful also to ensure the uniqueness of
some kind of object."

5th par.:
"Using the *memorize* technique, we can reuse the same table for the
same color."

p.179, sec 17.4, 1st par. (last line):
"[...] As we will see, these two techniques for default values are
actually particular applications of the two general techniques that we
have just discussed: object attributes and *memorizing*."

p.180, 3rd par.:
"[...] but we reuse the same metatable whenever we repeat a default
value. This is a typical use of *memorizing*:"

and in the subsequent code snippet, in the line comment:

    metas[d] = mt -- memorize

p.181, 1st par.:
"This factory is a good candidate to *memorization*, [...]"

2nd par., 4th line:
"[...] From a standard interpretation of weak tables, nothing would ever
be removed from that *memorizing* table. [...]"

3rd par., 4th line:
"[...] where the closure refers to the object that (through the
*memorizing* table) refers back to the closure."

p.185, in the text of Exercise 17.3 (2 occurrences):
"[...] Consider that you have to implement a *memorizing* table [...]
How can you implement *memorization* in that case?"

p.344 (in the index), 2nd col, 1st line: "*memorizing*".

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