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On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 9:02 PM, Coda Highland <> wrote:
> don't throw the baby out with the bathwater -- I find that it's
> actually rather difficult to have too much OO, and I marvel that Java
> and other languages manage to accomplish it anyway.

Poor Java is hamstrung by certain ideologically-driven choices - the
feud with MS meant that there was no way they were ever going to have
method pointers. (Gosling disparagingly speaking of Anders Helsjberg
as the 'Method Pointer Man').  So everything had to be a class, even
if it had one method to run it - in fact, it was a function! (C++'s
'functors' were a similar hack and never convinced me to abandon
explicit loops).  But even with Java the overengineering seemed to be
mostly an attitude problem.

I do find OOP useful in Lua, but it's a strategy, not a religious
impulse ;)  Sometimes it does actually model the situation well, but
as nouns get even more abstract and the verbs get lost in the forest,
give me a first class function any day!

steve d.