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steve donovan <> writes:
>> Because someone is going to make a statement like that and freak
>> out the GNUpeople.
> Oh, we're pretty much all MIT/BSD/X11 here ;) Or proprietary, which
> is not a sin.

I'm very much a GPL proponent, but MIT/BSD is also fine, and I use it
where appropriate.  In particular, if I released a Lua library, I'd
probably use MIT/BSD, because (1) that's more practical for libraries
(though LGPL can also serve this purpose), and (2) it's more aligned
with Lua culture (this would make me prefer MIT/BSD over LGPL).

[But I will say that Marc Balmer's apparent attempts to inflame the
discussion ("GNU is dying") are out of place in an otherwise fairly
civel discussion.  Take that stuff to reddit or something Marc.]


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