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I have uploaded the videos from the Lua Workshop 2012 to ("luaworkshop" is the channel)

They all have the tag, "Lua Workshop 2012", so searching on youtube with the tag will also locate the videos.

If you find any mistakes or your video is missing, please contact me directly or at

I have never learned so much in 2 days, as I did in the 2 days of the Lua Workshop 2012.

Thank you,
John Rodriguez
Verisign, Inc.

I had some trouble with a video I received from Henning Diedrich (Eonblast Corporation) , "  Luerl, a Lua VM written in Erlang". The attendees did not see this because of last minute travel problems. It is still "processing" on youtube. If there are any issues with this video, please let me know.