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Am 12.11.2012 um 21:19 schrieb Marc Balmer <>:

> Am 12.11.2012 um 19:42 schrieb William C. Bubel <>:
>> On 11/11/2012 09:28 AM, Marc Balmer wrote:
>>> We are just minutes away from proposing the "Obfuscated Lua Contest" (and I assume you know about the "Obfuscated C Contest" ;)
>> Have a look at this obfuscated code:
>> There's shorter solutions, considering that if you had the _ENV or _G
>> table, and "char", it would be possible to construct the string
>> "loadstring" using the string metatable to get at the function "char",
>> and then produce characters by taking the length operator of arbitrary
>> strings. (see this post on reddit:
>> ).
>> So the answer is: The obfuscated lua contest is on.
> We need rules.  And contest sections.
> like, e.g.
> best abuse of Lua bytecode
> best abuse of the C API
> etc.
> Suggestions?
> And a deadline for submissions.  Since we just passed 10.11.12 13:14:15, hwo about 11.12.13 14:15:16 ?
> Ok, that is more than one year ahead, a date within the next three months would be nicer.

Oh, and we need a small committee to judge the entries, may I suggest 

Patrick Rapin (because he started it all)
Roberto (because he wrote Lua with Waldemar and Luiz)
Myself (because I had the idea of the contest)
