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A 'typelib' approach is okay as long as it remains architecture independent. GObject's implementation is "flawed" in this respect which is unfortunate for those of us who would like to utilize lgi to access the (many) GObject based libraries in an embedded Linux environment.

On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Michal Kottman <> wrote:
On 14 September 2012 20:14, Coda Highland <> wrote:
> On the flip side, Qt's got pretty good support for cross-compilation,
> so there's a point in that favor, as long as we're weighing the
> options.

I can confirm this. Right now I am working with Qt on an embedded ARM
device. If I wanted to use bindings such as Lqt, I would have to
compile the binding for the target device anyway. Since the binding is
generated by parsing the header files, not by using typelibs, it would
automatically work for the target device.

I was thinking about shifting to kind of 'typelib' since I
experimented with luaclang-parser, but now thinking about
cross-compiling I think just parsing the headers directly is more