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On Oct 17, 2011, at 3:07 AM, Josh Simmons wrote:

> Not sure why you think the problem with ipairs was magic,

Because, as we all know, ipairs doesn't know how to count.

> it was just
> deemed (for a little while at least) unnecessary.

Perhaps the same will happen to module.  Ain't over till the fat lady sings or something.

> _ENV is a core construct of Lua,

No. _ENV is the latest iteration of many attempt to get ride of setfenv/getfenv in 5.2. And 5.2 is a work of fiction as it hasn't been released.

> I'd also note that it's not necessary or beneficial to touch _ENV at
> all in your module unless you're doing something weird.

Creating one's own local namespace seems rather pedestrian to me, but to each its own.