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Alex Queiroz <> writes:
>> I've sometimes pondered the possibility of a lightweight Lua GUI kit
>> that provided an abstraction over a native back-end, e.g. the Windows
>> version would use the Windows API, the Linux version would use GTK, OS
>> X would use Cocoa. Just the basic common functionality, emphasis on
>> small footprint.
> Sounds like IUP.

Yeah... unfortunately, IUP seems a bit hard to get going due to the
build infrastructure it uses.

I thought one of the devs mentioned they had tried to improve the
build behavior, but it still didn't seem very friendly last time I
tried it, a month or two ago.

[By "didn't seem very friendly" I mean: "failed to compile out of the
box, reading docs and poking around at the makefiles didn't make it
obvious how to get it working, and eventually I ran out of patience."
I imagine someone who _really_ wants to make it compile could make it
work with enough effort...]

I suppose something like GTK+ or Qt may also be hard to compile from
scratch, but on the other hand, they're usually available
pre-installed or pre-packaged anyway, so for most people it doesn't


Cynic, n. A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as
they ought to be. Hence the custom among the Scythians of plucking out a
cynic's eyes to improve his vision.