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Tim Mensch <> writes:
> It's actually quite fashionable to hate Java in large swaths of the
> programming world.

This is true.  Unfortunately wayyyy too much of the programming world
revolves around this sort of mindless tribalism and fashion contests.

I think Java's a very decent language, tho it's not my favorite, and
it does seem to have pretty good "standard" support for GUI programs.

Basing a Lua program's GUI on Java _is_ a little annoying, not because
it's a bad language, but simply that it's a large and complicated
dependency, which might be problematic for some people to fulfill.

On the other hand, the area of Lua GUIs is not well developed, so
there seem to be no real standout alternatives...

Anyway, if somebody realllly objects to the use of Swing, why not chip
in and port it to their own favorite Lua GUI toolkit?


"Suppose He doesn't give a shit?  Suppose there is a God but He
just doesn't give a shit?"  [George Carlin]