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On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 3:54 AM, David Favro <> wrote:
> Of course, I agree that a little self-restraint should be the first thought
> before creating non-standard environments, but if one has carefully
> considered the alternatives and the consequences, we should all be free to
> make our own choices.

That 'self-restraint' is key. It is clearly fun to invent programming
languages, but fun isn't _always_ a good reason for something.
Programming language design is a delicate business - even the most
innocuous change can have bad implications.

Consider the fact that people still roll their own DSLs and have to
pay for their enthusiasm later ;)  Much better for them to use a
proven, capable Lua core and modify it for the purpose at hand.

(Naturally, I like lexical macros because they're relatively easy to
write, so you can try out a new syntax quickly.)

steve d.