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On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
> I've unzipped it, changed to the examples directory and tried
>    lua hello.lua
> It can't find orbiter.lua or anywhere.

You did put the 'orbiter' directory on your module path? The main
module is orbiter/init.lua so it needs the infamous ?/init.lua


So if you copied the whole orbiter directory to
/usr/local/share/lua/5.1 it should work (or make a symlink)

I think it will be easier to try out if I just use orbiter.lua plus
the orbiter directory, or (gasp) provide an installer.

I will package it as a rock but I still haven't worked out the best
way for a module loaded from LuaRocks to find its 'stuff' - currently
each Orbiter module finds its resources relative to itself.

steve d.