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On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
> Or I could finally start reading the Kepler project documentation.
> If someone can speak glowingly of how useful that turned out to be
> after the initial learning curve, I may well do just that.

Something more specialized than the full Kepler stack is Orbiter [1].
It's designed specifically to write little Lua servers that run on the
same machine as the browser, or within a _trusted_ intranet.  It looks
and feels very much like Orbit, except that it generates (X)HTML using
a LOM representation.

Or you can use it just as a way to intercept HTTP requests and
directly output the response as text:

-- hello.lua
local orbiter = require 'orbiter'

local hello =

function hello:index(web)
    return ([[
        <h2>Hello, Lua!</h2>
        <img src='/images/logo.gif'/>
        Lua memory used is %5.0f kB
    ]]):format(collectgarbage 'count')

hello:dispatch_static '/resources/images/.+'


It also has useful HTML-generating functions that can relieve some of the pain:

> = html.table {{'A','B'},{'C','D'}}

It only depends on LuaSocket, so it's relatively easy to get working.

steve d.
