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As far as I'm concerned, native dependencies not managed by luarocks are the host system's problem. lua-zmq requires libzmq, how you get it is your problem.

This is not a great solution, but it's not as bad as all the others.

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 12:12 PM, Alexander Gladysh <> wrote:
Hi, list!

I want to create a rockspec for bindings for an uncommon library
(namely — hiredis: My primary
target is Ubuntu (and compatible OSes). I will not able to support OS
X or Windows deployment for my rockspec.

The library in question is absent in Ubuntu repository, and, thus, is
likely to be missing on user machines.

I can bundle hiredis source code with the rockspec.

However, I do not want to link hiredis statically to my C module —
this does not seem neat enough. And, as far as I remember, Luarocks
would not let me to build a separate

What options do I have?

(Maybe I should just go on and link it statically?)
