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I generate my websites offline with Lua. I was think about building a
website with each function as a separate page linking to other called
functions on their pages. Beneath each there could be comments copied
and pasted from the source and I was also thinking about a wiki like
area for comments. I could do this all offline but why not post it and
get others involved. Sputnik would be my first choice to drive this but
I was also thinking that it would be good for visitors to be able to
download the whole site as well. Who wants to contribute to a wiki only
to find that the site is taken down later.

Does anyone have any suggestions about how such a wiki could be made
downloadable for offline viewing? Or do you think writing a scrapper
script via cURL and uploading a snapshot of the wiki daily would be good

This is fortunately a solved problem (mostly), e.g. you can use wget or HTTrack. If you can run cron jobs on the server that hosts the website then you can run the scraper on localhost which should reduce the load, in this case a nightly cron job should do the trick. Some wiki engines (e.g. Mediawiki) also have dedicated static HTML export plug-ins.

 - Peter Odding