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I am studying the source code of Lua. Thanks to lhf's direction I have better tools now such as Cflow. I have generated a tree hierarchy of called functions and there is more that I plan to do including some sort of UMLish diagram.

I generate my websites offline with Lua. I was think about building a website with each function as a separate page linking to other called functions on their pages. Beneath each there could be comments copied and pasted from the source and I was also thinking about a wiki like area for comments. I could do this all offline but why not post it and get others involved. Sputnik would be my first choice to drive this but I was also thinking that it would be good for visitors to be able to download the whole site as well. Who wants to contribute to a wiki only to find that the site is taken down later.

Does anyone have any suggestions about how such a wiki could be made downloadable for offline viewing? Or do you think writing a scrapper script via cURL and uploading a snapshot of the wiki daily would be good enough?

I have not seen something like this before, perhaps it would be useful for your project too, there is no reason I need to stop at the Lua source code.

Thanks for any guidance-Patrick