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On 13 December 2010 13:51, steve donovan <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> It's up at the new shiny address:

In section 4.2, you give a dead link to an IUP tutorial: In that same section, I'm not sure
if it's worth linking to lqt on Github (and maybe even ltcltk as
well). I know they're listed on the wiki link, but it seems valuable
to point out that all of the major GUI libraries now have Lua

The capitalisation in both the FAQ and the gotcha headings seems
rather odd to me.

The inability to yield across pcalls and metamethods seems worthy of a
mention on the gotchas page if not the FAQ (along with a link to Coco
and maybe the RVM patch).

The Lua 5.2 section of the FAQ does not detail everything listed under
'main changes' e.g. ephemeron tables,
light C functions and emergency GC. Maybe not all of these should be
detailed in the FAQ, but a link could instead be given to another
source (such as LuaFiveTwo on the wiki).

"Creative Commons License" is not a license declaration. We need to
know which of the CC license restrictions you have chosen, for
instance CC-BY-SA.

Thanks for the effort - the gotchas list is a great addition.

