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steve donovan wrote:

Two comments:

4.5: The performance comparison in the section on Alien seems
strange. First, LuaJIT is roughly 3x faster than Lua for repeated
calls to math.sin() (the overhead of calculating the sine dominates).
Also, it's unclear which number refers to what. And absolute timings
in seconds should be avoided.

Maybe it would make more sense to say that calling sin() through
Alien is x-times slower than calling math.sin(). Not sure there's
a good reason for mentioning LuaJIT there, anyway.

6.1: The info on LuaJIT is outdated and the ballpark numbers from
version 1 may give the wrong impression. The point about 'arg' is
repeated from section 1.23 (and it's part of LuaJIT's own FAQ).

Much better to simply link to:
