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On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 5:26 PM, Alex Bradbury <> wrote:
> well). I know they're listed on the wiki link, but it seems valuable
> to point out that all of the major GUI libraries now have Lua
> bindings.

(Sorry about the quick quote finger trouble, gmail can be alarming in that way.)

It is easy enough to give references, and I would like to be more
equal-handed in my treatment of GUI toolkits (I tend to have my
favorites and they get more press ;))

> The capitalisation in both the FAQ and the gotcha headings seems
> rather odd to me.

This is exactly why I needed extra eyeballs, since I no longer see
this kind of thing.

> The inability to yield across pcalls and metamethods seems worthy of a
> mention on the gotchas page if not the FAQ (along with a link to Coco
> and maybe the RVM patch).

Good point.

> The Lua 5.2 section of the FAQ does not detail everything listed under
> 'main changes' e.g. ephemeron tables,
> light C functions and emergency GC.

This is probably because I don't feel competent to comment on them. So
either some kind soul contributes some writeup, or we just link to the

> "Creative Commons License" is not a license declaration. We need to
> know which of the CC license restrictions you have chosen, for
> instance CC-BY-SA.

CC-BY-SA seems reasonable, similar to MIT/X11. Will be noted.

steve d.