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On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Lorenzo Donati
<> wrote:
> But is it not the parsing of console programs output a bit too brittle?
> I use a localized (Italian) WinXP and all the commandline tools are
> localized, so their output is full of codepage specific chars (eg. ийм).

That's a good point. I would hope that commands that give 'bare'
output (like dir /B) would work, but the filenames might be odd?

> templates and high level OO stuff) so I'm not a big fan of makefiles - I
> wish there could be a better tool, but I acknowledge it is standard, so
> (sigh!) ... .

OK, time for an advertisment (we are all allowed this once a month ;))

(just needs luafilesystem)

steve d.

PS. I am naturally interested in the Alien/mingw challenge - must be
the libffi which has a full configure step on *nix.