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If you want to make a statement about the function of \n in the Lua
language, please write it into a complete file you feed into Lua (and
obviously not via input redirection).

From lparse.c:609

static void funcargs (LexState *ls, expdesc *f) {
  FuncState *fs = ls->fs;
  expdesc args;
  int base, nparams;
  int line = ls->linenumber;
  switch (ls->t.token) {
    case '(': {  /* funcargs -> `(' [ explist1 ] `)' */
      if (line != ls->lastline)
luaX_syntaxerror(ls,"ambiguous syntax (function call x new statement)");


That if checks and fails if there is newline before '(' where function arguments are expected
Example file: