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On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 2:53 PM, Gilles Ganault <> wrote:
> And what happens with "rocks", ie. modules, that are only available in
> source code: Does luarocks call luac.exe to compile them into binaries
> on the fly?

There is no need - they are source and can be directly loaded using require().

> Out of curiosity, what does the MS C runtime offer that MinGW/Cygwin
> don't, and justifies a bigger download?

I honestly don't know why they went that way, since if the C runtime
that comes with Windows (msvcrt.dll) had problems, then it would be
patched during regular Windows updates.  To be cynical, anything that
complicates Windows development makes people more dependent on MS'
tools, which change every few years and so provide a steady revenue
stream for the tools division.

steve d.