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Stephen Kellett wrote:

More idle musings. It is an impressive and illuminating testament to the kind of corporate culture Apple has that Apple still does not appear to have made any kind of official clarification. (Apart from the few terse messages purportedly from the top.)

I don't think they will do anything about it since rescinding it in public will mean a climbdown by the top fella, so it will be a Sword of Damocles for a while and they will likely leave some parties hanging in limbo -- like Opera and Adobe. After all, they haven't chopped anyone yet, have they? I bet rather few apps will be affected. Rather wacky behaviour for a big company, but I guess this is par for Apple.

Then, a month or two from now, I think Apple will quietly tweak the legal prose again. Rather disturbing, it seems to me all too similar any number of tyrannies who seeks absolute control of information and history while appearing to look squeaky clean and angelic.

Oh what fun. At least developers now know better where they stand in Apple's eyes...

Kein-Hong Man (esq.)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia