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It was thus said that the Great Doug Rogers once stated:
> Sean Conner wrote:
> >
> >
> For those who had trouble untarring them, they're gzip'd twice:

  Oh crap!  That's the fault of the webserver compressing the output if your
broswer supports it.  Sigh.  I've added .gz to the list of resources not to
compress.  Hopefully, it'll take.

>   gunzip luadaemon.tar.gz
>   mv luadaemon.tar luadaemon.tar.gz
>   tar tzf luadaemon.tar.gz
> Same for cgilib.
> I like what you've done with it, recording the type of transaction that 
> each coroutine is waiting on so that it can be serviced later (if 
> necessary) when epoll() indicates the associated event has occurred.

  Thanks.  It took quite a bit to get going, and I'm not totally thrilled
with the code as is, but it works.

> Thanks for posting this! It's nice to have a good example using the 
> epoll() calls; I'm an old school select()er and I need to modernize.

  I never liked select() even when it was the only option.  
