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Enrico Colombini wrote:
Not bad at all. On the Nintendo DS, I was limited to a few calls per frame :-)

Out of curiosity, where did you put the Lua/C(++) boundary? What did the frame loop look like? (if you can talk about it)

I work for Infinite Interactive and we develop all of our games in Lua, although our titles are more "A" than "AAA" (Puzzle Quest is one of ours). Our main loop and engine technology is all C++, with some MIPS asm thrown in for fun, but the game code is all Lua (i.e. the game teams implement _G.OnTick, _G.OnDraw etc which then get called each frame).

Getting Lua to run well on low-end hardware can be tricky as the VM tends to hammer the cache lines pretty hard, especially on something like a PSP which has a crap bus architecture to begin with. I've done some preliminary experiments converting Lua to C by running the raw op-codes through a processor and substituting each one with the equivelent instructions from luaV_execute...idea being that you eliminate loop mechanics and disruptions to the pipeline from branching and you also take advantage of the C++ compiler optimizing away the work of extracting fields from the op-codes. If you're doing a lot of table look-ups then obviously you don't get that much of a performance improvement but for everything else the results have been suprisingly promising, with an overall 50% performance increase to the routines I've tested it on.

Mark Feldman

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