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I use Geany, a text editor for gnome/gtk based on scintilla, it includes a terminal in a bottom panel, plus excellent code highlight is all I need to code well :D


PS: I'm sorry for emacs and vim, but Geany is more sexy

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 1:36 AM, Jacques Chester <> wrote:

On 19/01/2010, at 4:32 PM, steve donovan wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Christian Tellefsen
> <> wrote:
>> That would be an actual Lua state running inside our game.
> I like this, because it blurs the old distinction between editing and
> debugging.  The old model is that one works on dead source, and then
> runs the live program, perhaps in a debugger. (There may be a fat
> build cycle in between that clears out the human short term memory
> cache ;))
> But dynamic languages allow much more creative work flows.  One can
> work with the live program, and edit modules which can be loaded into
> that system.

This is how many Lisps work, especially Common Lisp. There's
an "IDE" for Emacs called SLIME which communicates with a
running Lisp instance.

Smalltalk has something similar -- the IDE is, in a sense, the

The downside is that these self-contained universes make clean
deployment and versioning that much harder.



Fernando P. García,
Developer - Analista de Sistemas
+51 1 9 8991 7871, Calle Santa Catalina Ancha #377, Cusco -Perú

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