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On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 10:05 PM, Stuart P.Bentley <> wrote:
> I think it would be a good plan to remake LuaForge- in Lua, using the Kepler
> libraries and what not- as just the things visitors see when they come to
> the site: a project aggregator, providing hosting only for package downloads
> and project sites, but listing basic information and links to the relevant
> pages.

This sounds a lot like PyPI (Python Package Index - Anyone who writes Python stuff can create an
entry on PyPI for their project. They can actually host their tars on
PyPI, or just have PyPI point to another, external site where the tars
are located. Bug tracking and SCM is handled elsewhere. I think this
is better than the "Forge" model because people can use whatever they
want for the code-writing infrastructure - for example, LuaForge would
be a no-go for me because I have never used CVS before and have no
intention of doing so ever when I can use Mercurial or even SVN. It
also reduces the strain on the server, and would be easier to
re-implement in Lua.

> It would also be useful if it provided homepage hosting for Lua projects
> (like the current version's <project> sites), since many of the
> alternative hubs that have been suggested for code hosting and the like do
> not provide this service (really, everybody but Sourceforge).

That is a good idea too. I know I would appreciate that for libmc, as
there really isn't a convenient place for me to put the docs online.

-- Leaf
"There are 10 types of people in the world - those who understand
binary and those who don't."