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On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 1:33 PM, Jan Schütze <> wrote:
> But users will barely search for modwombat if they try to get a mod_lua.
> First time I searched for it, I found the svn-folder of kepler which did not
> really works at all. mod_lua is what one expects and fits nicely in the
> default module-naming.

Agreed, the problem arises from their being 37 extent projects named mod_lua.

Personally, I prefer mod_lua.


> - Jan
> Brian McCallister wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 10:59 AM, Stefan Sandberg
>> <> wrote:
>>> I fail to see how renaming it to an hawaiian barbeque is somehow
>>> preferable,
>>> regardless of any dead projects.
>> I don't love it, but is slightly better than wombat :-/
>> I'm lobbying for not caring as long as you say "./configure
>> --enable-lua" and all the config directives are of the form
>> LuaFooWoofThing.
>> In that case, the code level name for the module is almost irrelevant.
>> Luau does lead to easy misspelling errors though...
>> Blech.
>> -Brian
>>> Matthew M. Burke wrote:
>>>> FYI,
>>>> It looks like mod_wombat (provides Lua scripting for Apache web server)
>>>> will be released as a core module (i.e.  if you download the web server,
>>>> you will get mod_wombat---no need to download it separately).
>>>> As part of this change, it is likely the module will get renamed.
>>>> Mod_lua is not really an option because there are several dead projects
>>>> with that name and it is felt that changing the name of mod_wombat to
>>>> mod_lua will be too confusing.  FWIW, the current lead contender is
>>>> mod_luau.
>>>> Anyway I've not had as much time to work with this module as I'd like.
>>>> The Google Summer of Code project involving mod_wombat never got
>>>> anywhere (the student had to drop out).  But if you are looking to use
>>>> Lua in a web context, I recommend checking it out.
>>>> Matt
> --